If a Tree Falls in the Woods, Should I Remove it?
The Pros and Cons of Removing Woodland Trees
November 2, 2017

Living in a highly wooded area—among the flora, fauna, and naturally beautiful landscape—is a great draw for nature-lovers and those who want home-grown privacy. However, it can be dangerous when trees start to fall. Removing woodland trees from your property has both pros and cons. From issues of safety to protecting the ecosystem, there’s a lot to consider when it comes time to decide if a tree should stay or go.
Removing Woodland Trees for Safety
Living in a highly wooded area increases the chances of a tree falling within your property line. This could cause massive damage to your home and other personal belongings. While you should consider the proximity of trees to structures before buying a house or planting a new tree, sometimes even healthy trees can fall during a storm or fire. If any tree on your property shows signs of disease, it should be removed to decrease the chances of it falling at any time.
Removing Woodland Trees for Easier Maintenance
Trees require regular maintenance—from proper pruning to cleaning the leaves. If you know you can’t keep up with the work, it may be better to remove the tree altogether. This takes certain yard work chores off your list of things to do, as well as the worry the tree or branches will fall and cause damage.
Removing Woodland Trees for Extra Space
Whether you’re looking to add a garden or addition to your home, clearing woodland trees can add space around your property. This is especially true for homeowners with only a small piece of land.
Removing Woodland Trees Effects Ecosystem
A tree is not just a system of roots, trunk, branches, and leaves. It’s a refuge for wildlife and part of the delicate balance of nature. Removing a tree negatively effects insects, birds, soil, and other systems around your yard. If you have to remove a tree, replace it with bird feeders, other plants, and structures that can make the natural transition easier.
Removing Woodland Trees also Removes Natural Beauty
Trees may be a lot of work, but they also provide shade and beauty to your yard. Cutting down a tree cuts down on on the natural beauty around your property. Your yard may look more bare and the lack of shade makes your yard hotter and more susceptible to hot spots in your grass.
Removing Woodland Trees isn’t Easily Reversed
Trees take decades to grow and mature. Once you cut it down, it’s not like you can replant it like it was once you change your mind. If it has to come down for good reason, that’s one thing, but if you’re taking it down for purely cosmetic reasons, think about all the other effects it will cause.
What to do After Removing a Woodland Tree
If you have to remove a tree, consider enlisting a professional to take it down. This is especially important if it’s close to other trees and important structures. The tree trunk and branches of healthy trees can be used for lumber, wood chips, compost, and more. If the tree is in the woods, it can also be left there to add to the forest floor.
Download Your FREE Tree Removal Guide
Even dedicated DIYers should think twice before taking on the task of tree removal. Our guide will help you decide whether to hire a tree service and how to get the most value for your money.