Don’t Want Deer Pruning Your Trees?

Here are 5 Repellent Methods to Try


If you’ve noticed something is pruning your trees and shrubs this time of year, it could be the neighborhood deer. Not only are they nibbling the greenery, but bark is also damaged in the early fall from bucks rubbing their antlers. There are ways to help protect your trees from unauthorized pruning. Try these deer repellents to keep them away from your plants.

Signs of Deer Damage

Deer are one species that are not shy about roaming into your yard and doing some of their own gardening. Whether they eat the greens off your flowering shrubs or prune your tree trunks with their antlers, they can cause irreversible damage.

Fall is not the time of year for any type of pruning. This is the time when plants should be storing their energy to get through the winter, not focusing on healing injuries from bites and scraps. Here are some signs that a deer has been visiting your yard:

  • Vertical scraps along the tree trunk
  • Shredded bark
  • Torn branches
  • Stripped leaves

If you notice any of these signs on one side of the plant, it has a better chance of surviving. However, if the damage is spread throughout the tree or shrub, it may not be strong enough to survive. Your best bet is to regularly monitor the plant and to use one of the following preventative measures at the first sign of trouble.

Deer Repellents

While a little nibble or scrape shouldn’t kill your plant, if the deer likes it and has free access, they’re likely to come back for more. Here are some ways to keep the deer away and protect your lawn and garden.

  1. Odor repellents. Treat the area with predator urine-based products, human hair, garlic, soap, or other strong-smelling ingredients like eggs or sulfur.
  2. Contact repellents. Make plants distasteful by spraying the area with hot pepper or blood meal.
  3. Physical barriers. A fence at least eight feet tall should help keep deer from jumping over. Use a lightweight netting over their favorite shrubs.
  4. Scare devices. There are ultrasonic machines, strobe lights, and motion-sensing water sprays that help keep deer away. Also, letting your dog out at dawn or dusk when deer are most active will make your yard less desirable.
  5. Deer-resistant plants. Fill your garden with plants that deer are less likely to snack on, such as lavender, marigolds, daffodils, and sage. You can also plant these around desirable plants to help create a natural barrier.

Overtime, the deer can adapt to the control method you used. So you may have to try several options for more protection. While deer can be a beautiful sight grazing in the wild, they can also decimate your garden and damage your trees. Deter them from the area with a more natural, safe repellent to protect your plants and nature’s delicate balance.

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