3 Steps to Prepare for Tree Removal

For a Safer, More Efficient Process

prepare for tree removal

Once it’s determined that your tree should come down, it’s time to start getting your yard ready. Even if you have professionals coming in to do the heavy lifting, there are still steps you can take to prepare for tree removal.

Deciding to Remove a Tree

Trees are a vital part of any environment. They’re also extremely heavy and can be unpredictable when taken down. These are some of the reasons why tree removal shouldn’t be taken lightly. It’s highly recommended to have a certified arborist evaluate the tree and assess any damage, disease, or structural issues. Then they can help you decide whether it should be removed or can be saved with treatment options.

If tree removal is the best option, a professional will also assess the surrounding space and determine what equipment is best suited for the job. They’ll base this decision on the size of the tree and proximity to existing structures and utilities. Even though a pro will be taking care of most of the work, there are still things you can do to help ensure the process goes smoothly.

Prepare for Tree Removal

Removing any tree is not an easy task. Additional factors—such as obstacles and poor tree health—can make the process even more difficult. But once you’ve scheduled a tree removal service, there are ways you can help make the process more efficient.

  1. Obtain proper permits. Are you sure your tree is on your property and not your neighbors or public land? Obtain the necessary documentation in case any of this comes into question. Your local government may also have certain rules and restrictions regarding tree removal. Make sure you contact any utility companies if necessary.
  2. Notify neighbors. Depending on where you live, a large tree removal crew could take up a lot of space with their equipment, impacting shared property and creating a lot of noise. Let your neighbors know when the work is taking place so everyone can plan accordingly.
  3. Clear the surroundings. Take a look at your tree. See how far the branches spread out around it. Notice any furniture, decor, or other obstacles in and around this area? If possible, remove these items to prevent damage. If your tree is close to a fence, building, power lines, or other fixed structure, a professional tree removal company will try to work around these obstacles. But you should clear anything in the way of heavy equipment coming in and pieces of a tree coming out.

On removal day, this also means not parking your car close the the work site and suggesting your neighbors do the same. You’ll also want to keep people and pets out of the way of falling branches and heavy machinery.

Worried about your plants? Try to take care of tree removal projects in late fall, winter, or early spring while the plants are dormant.

Preparing for a large, complicated tree removal project not only helps to make the job easier and prevent delays, but it also protect you, your neighbors, and your property. Contact Elite Tree Care if you’d like to have a tree evaluated for removal. The sooner you act, the sooner we can all plan for a safe and efficient process.

Tree Removal Guide

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Even dedicated DIYers should think twice before taking on the task of tree removal. Our guide will help you decide whether to hire a tree service and how to get the most value for your money.