Learning Center

3 Steps to Prepare for Tree Removal

3 Steps to Prepare for Tree Removal

For a Safer, More Efficient Process

Once it's been determined that your tree needs to come down, it's time to start getting your yard ready. Even if you have professionals coming in to do the heavy lifting, there are still steps you can take to prepare for tree removal. Read more

5 Reasons Why Fertilizing Trees is Important

5 Reasons Why Fertilizing Trees is Important

When & How to Apply

Many homeowners and gardeners already fertilize the grass and newly potted plants. It's seen as a way to provide essential nutrients to the soil to support healthy growth. So why don't trees always get the same treatment? Learn why fertilizing trees is so important and how to do it properly. Read more

Pruning Tips

When to Pick up the Pruners

And When to Put them Down

Spring is right around the corner! But it's that sweet spot when trees still don't have leaves, making it easy to see if something needs to be cut. Here are some pruning tips to help determine when to pick up those trimming shears and when to put them down.  Read more

Best Tree Care

What to do for Your Tree Right Now

5 Tree Care Tips

Help your plants wake up on the right side of the season with one thing—rather, one pile of things: mulch. A layer of mulch can do a lot to benefit your trees, shrubs, and garden beds. Learn why it's one of the best tree care tips for the season. Read more

Tree Removal FAQs

4 Tree Removal FAQs

When & How to do it Safely

Anytime you're faced with a monumental task, like tree removal, it's important to know all the facts and requirements. Consider these tree removal FAQs to determine whether your tree should be taken down or if there are other options. Read more

Soil Testing

3 Benefits of Testing Your Soil

What a Simple Test Tells You

How healthy is your soil? There's an easy way to tell. Learn how soil testing can help provide vital information that could lead to improved plant growth, while also protecting the environment and saving you money. Read more