It’s possible to diagnose a plant problem in any stage of its life, from seedling to mature plant. Every part of the plant—from root to leaf—is also an indicator of health. Use this as a guide to help diagnose a problem your plant may be experiencing and work to correct the situation for optimal growth. Read more
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Since winter is the best time for tree pruning, you may start to notice your tree could use a little more than a trim. If it feels like you’re taking a lot of dead or diseased branches off your tree, you may need to consider the possibility of removing it altogether. The next question to ask yourself is, “do I need professional tree removal?” Read more
Now that we’ve had a few weeks of a new year, who’s ready for spring? The unseasonably warm temperatures these last few weeks may have felt like spring, but that still doesn’t mean it’s a great time to get out in the garden. However, now is the perfect time to plan for what your lawn and garden will need in the coming months. Developing a plant healthcare schedule makes it easier to get ahead of all the important tasks your yard needs throughout the year. Read more
It’s about that time again! The leaves are gone. The first frost has…frosted. The trees and grass are dormant, so it’s a good time to start thinking about major tree work. Learn more about the winter tree pruning process and why this is the season to start. Read more
How many Christmas trees are still up? If it’s artificial, go ahead and keep it up all year! If it’s a live cut, you’re going to have to part with it eventually. When you do, consider doing the environment a favor and recycling it. There are a few ways of giving your tree back to nature. As many gardeners may be aware, yes, you can compost the Christmas tree. Read more
Raise your hand if you currently have a live tree in your home. Keep it raised if you plan on keeping it there well after the holiday. Into the spring? Through the summer? For as long as you can keep it alive? While a seven-foot spruce may not be the best year-round indoor plant, there are certainly other trees that are. Read on to find the best type of indoor tree to fit your home and maintenance level. Bonus: these trees don’t need to be decorated. Read more