Learning Center

Best Burning Wood

Five of the Best Woods to Burn

and Five Woods to Avoid

Tis the season for getting cozy by the fire. If you have a wood-burning stove or fireplace, there are certain types of wood you should and should not burn. Learn about the best burning wood and which types to avoid to ensure a safe and healthy season. Read more

Reasons and Alternatives for Tree Removal

6 Reasons to Remove a Tree

And 9 Alternatives to Save it

Trees provide many benefits to homeowners and the environment. But sometimes they can also become hazardous to the surrounding area and structures. Here are six reasons why tree removal is considered and even more alternatives for saving the plant. Read more

Are Mushrooms on Trees a Bad Sign?

Are Mushrooms on Trees a Bad Sign?

What it Means and What to do

As many gardeners know, mushrooms are part of the fungi family. While not all fungus is inherently bad, it could be a warning sign for a larger issue. If you see mushrooms growing on your trees, learn about what this indicates and what to do about it. Read more

Pruning Trees to Control Pests

Can Pruning Trees Help Control Pests?

It May Depend on the Insect

Fall is an ideal time to assess trees for pests and, if necessary, plan treatments. Treating a tree now not only targets pests at a vulnerable stage, but it also helps ensure the plant can bounce back in the spring. Learn how pruning helps control fall tree pests and what other specific methods to use. Read more

Common Fall Tree Pests

9 Common Fall Tree Pests

How to Identify and Control Them

Autumn is a transitional season as many living things recover from the summer and prepare for the fall, including pests. Learn about some of the most common fall tree pests, and how to identify and control their population around your plants. Read more

Plant a Tree in Fall

Want to Plant a Tree this Fall?

Follow these 10 Tips

Trees put on quite a show this time of year. Why not add to the beauty of seasons to come by planting more! Autumn is an ideal time for planting a tree since the soil is still warm but the air is cool. Here are some useful tips to keep in mind if you want to plant a tree in fall. Read more