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Winter Tree Pruning Tips

Winter Tree Pruning Tips

What to Cut & When

Now that colder weather has arrived, it's time to start thinking about pruning most of your trees and shrubs—but not all of them. Here are some winter tree pruning tips to keep in mind. Read more

Remove Snow on Trees

Removing Snow From Trees

When and How to Help

While a winter wonderland may look delightful, what it can do your plants and roof is downright frightful. Learn how to deal with snow on trees and help keep your plants, home, and sanity safe this season. Read more

Winter Tree Removal: Why You Should Wait

Why Wait for Winter Tree Removal

And What it Means for Spring

It's the most dormant time of the year! That means it's the perfect time for yard maintenance—including winter tree removal. Read more

Prune or Remove Woodland Trees

Should You Prune or Remove Woodland Trees

And Who’s the Best Person for the Job

Owning wooded property—whether for a home or business—adds a level of responsibility when it comes to the trees. Learn when it's best to prune or remove woodland trees and how to go about it safely. Read more

Is Peeling Tree Bark a Problem

Is Peeling Tree Bark a Problem

Maybe, Maybe Not—How to Tell

While it may look like an issue, peeling tree bark may not be a cause for concern. Learning what to look for helps determine if there's a real problem. Read more

Waiting for Fall Tree Pruning

Fall Tree Pruning

Why You Should Wait

This may be good news for some gardeners: fall is a great time to procrastinate—when it comes to tree pruning. Read more