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What to Look for in a Tree Removal Company

What to Look for in a Tree Removal Company

And 3 Important Questions to Ask

Some trees are just too large and the process is too complicated to take on alone. If you can't do the job from standing on the ground, it may be too big to handle. If it's time to call in the professionals, here's what to look for in a tree removal company. Read more

Tree Mites Treatment

Tree Mites Treatment

They May be Small, but They’re Mighty

There are thousands of different mite species, and most of them measure less than one millimeter in length. How much damage can one little bug do? Keep reading to learn a little more about them and tree mites treatment. Read more

Improving Poor Soil Quality

4 Ways to Improve Poor Soil Quality

And Help Bring it Back to Life

Soil quality is an important factor in the health of your garden. Good soil leads to better plant production and helps keep pests away. There are ways to improve poor soil quality in your garden to make it the best it can be. Read more

Summer Fruit Tree Pruning

Summer Fruit Tree Pruning

Tips to Follow this Season

Even though it's considered off-season for pruning trees, summer fruit tree pruning is best for detecting what may need correcting. Read more

DIY Small Tree Removal

DIY Small Tree Removal

In 7 Easy Steps

While small tree removal is easier to do yourself than large tree removal, you still have to take care to do it correctly, especially if you want to replant the tree and don't want it coming back in the same spot. Read more

What to do with a Tree Close to the House

Tree Close to the House?

What to Do

No matter who planted it, a tree close to the house can cause issues for current and future homeowners. From the roots to the branches, there are many things to watch out for with growing trees too close to any structure. Read more