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Summer Tree Pruning Techniques

Summer Tree Pruning Techniques

How to Treat Your Trees this Season

Even though summer is not the ideal season for tree pruning, there are several reasons why you may have to cut back your trees. Here are a few tree pruning techniques to remember this time of year. Read more

Natural Deer Repellents

Natural Deer Repellents

Keep Deer Away with Barriers and Sprays

There are many forms of natural deer repellents. From barriers to botanical sprays, you don't need a lot of chemicals to help keep deer away. Read more

Facts about Japanese Beetles

Facts about Japanese Beetles

How to Identify, Control, and Prevent these Pests

They may be small, but Japanese beetles can cause a lot of damage to your plants and trees. Find out more about these beastly insects and what you can do to help save your yard. Read more

What is Tree Topping

What is Tree Topping

And Why It’s Not Good

If you think your tree may be getting too tall, the first thought is to usually cut some off the top. Tree topping involves cutting back a significant amount of tree branches off the top of the tree. While there are a few reasons why this should be done, there are right and wrong ways to go about it. Read more

Stump Removal Process

Stump Removal Process

Several Options to Consider

Have a stump you want removed? There are a few ways it can be done. The question is, how much time, money, and know-how do you have to get the job done right? Learn more about each stump removal process to gauge how you want to plan the project. Read more

Lowering the Cost of Tree Removal

7 Ways to Lower the Cost of Tree Removal

That Won’t End Up Costing More Later

Finding solutions that help lower the cost of tree removal may in fact end up costing more if the job is not done correctly. Learn more about some of the short-term and long-term solutions, and know that every situation is different, but here's a place to start. Read more