While walking through a winter wonderland, do you ever think about how the snow on trees could be negatively effecting the plants? While it all depends on how much snow is on what kind of plant, it's important to consider its damaging effects. Read more
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In addition to limiting the risk of storm damage, winter tree removal can be done without greatly impacting the rest of your lawn and garden. Read more
During the season when trees are shedding their leaves, you may also notice peeling tree bark. Depending on the type of tree and other conditions surrounding the bark, this may or may not be cause for concern. Read more
While cleaning up fallen leaves this season, you may think it's the perfect time for some fall tree pruning. Think again! Unless there are signs of disease, dead branches, or branches that could become a hazard, you shouldn't prune anything in the fall. Read more
A tree hollow is a hole or cavity in a living tree. Holes can appear in tree trunks after a limb breaks off or the bark sustains injuries that expose the sapwood. While a tree hollow may seem like a detriment to the tree, it's an important part of the surrounding environment. Read more
If a Tree Falls in the Woods, Should I Remove it?
The Pros and Cons of Removing Woodland Trees
November 2, 2017
Removing woodland trees from your property has both pros and cons. From issues of safety to protecting the ecosystem, there's a lot to consider when it comes time to decide if a tree should stay or go. Read more